The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Supply Chain Nigeria

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1 / 100

37.First aid and safety arrangement is not an important factor

2 / 100

57. For easy identification,…… needs to be secure

3 / 100

2. One of the assumption for using EOQ is that

4 / 100

93.order quantity is the fixed order time that we always use

5 / 100

39.Accidents of slips and trips are considered unimportant

6 / 100

67. Shipment is one of the stages in early inspection

7 / 100

65. …. …safety and health administration are important factor too

8 / 100

99.Ware housing is the heartbeat of supply chain of an activities

9 / 100

87. An inventory is NOT a list of items held in stock

10 / 100

35.Traffic route should be free from all kinds of slopes

11 / 100

95 There are ------ steps to standard approach.

12 / 100

3. Order quantity means…….

13 / 100

59. All employees working in the warehouse should be appraised in writing about…

14 / 100

85. The major constituent components of definition of inventory include these except

15 / 100

81.Warehousing strategies include the following except…

16 / 100

70. these are types of inspection except….

17 / 100

40.FLOUR and TRAFFIC ROUTES should be built to ….

18 / 100

62. Inspection of the facilities in warehouse is not necessary

19 / 100

24. To get better results from the efforts, work force and employee safety representative should not be involved in the process.

20 / 100

28. One of the checklists to examine accident is to figure out the circumstances that are causing it.

21 / 100

98. Ware housing is a necessary evil for individual and every organization

22 / 100

97. Demand sets the number of units to be supplied from stock in a given time period.

23 / 100

80.Quality concepts deal …..

24 / 100

17. M.H.T. means

25 / 100

88. A UNIT is the standard size or quality of an item

26 / 100

9 One of the basic function of ware house is to protect the consumers’ interest

27 / 100

6. Set of activities that are common to most ware housing are……

28 / 100

72.Below are not part of the impact

29 / 100

12. Flexible,intelligence is part of the main crucial xterristics of warehousing

30 / 100

55. ….is one of the precaution for fire safety

31 / 100

26. according to warehousing industry reports,what’s the major injuries?

32 / 100

45. Working at height means …..

33 / 100

78.Quality control is the fallout or reflection of inspection exercise

34 / 100

91. E.O,Q means

35 / 100

74. ……. Is not part of inspection.

36 / 100

19------------------ is part of the basic element in ware house design

37 / 100

42. it is important to manage …..hazard

38 / 100

61. Inspection means….

39 / 100

32. It is important to implement additional precautons

40 / 100

11.Proper inventory management processes,principle and policies are in accordance to warehouse x; the above statement is true about…

41 / 100

50. A warehouse can not have serious consequences for its property and human lives.

42 / 100

13. Key ware housing assets include….

43 / 100

16. The analysis of every product in the ware house in terms of demand,packaging,annual sales is

44 / 100

54. Proper storage of dangerous substances like gas cylinder should not be considered.

45 / 100

20 The list of activities in the warehouse suggest and determine essential elements in a warehouse

46 / 100

90. What are the concept of the problem of inventory

47 / 100

43. It is important to mark boundaries

48 / 100

76. In quality control,a poor done inspection gives high quality

49 / 100

22 Identifying health and safety issues in a ware house is a major factor of the organization.

50 / 100

15. The process of building ware housing can be divided into….

51 / 100

38. ………….. risk assessment measures for manual handling.

52 / 100

10 These are the funtions of ware house,except…

53 / 100

1.What is the approach in the economic order quantity?

54 / 100

83. Stock consist of…..

55 / 100

92. Unit cost is the same as routine order

56 / 100

46.It simply means people can fall from….

57 / 100

51. Oxygen and fuel are examples of fire hazard

58 / 100

48. One of the precautions is…..

59 / 100

34. Safety precautions is not important and should not be considered when designing warehouse.

60 / 100

79. Quality control is the concept that deals with conformance concept.

61 / 100

84. Items are stored for

62 / 100

63.The following are the necessity of inspection except…..

63 / 100

52.It is also important to recognize who are at risk

64 / 100

7. Storage depends on size and quantity

65 / 100

76. A detail inspection will reflect high quality control

66 / 100

21.Concept of product mixing is part of warehouse management

67 / 100

100. Safety and hygiene has nothing to do with first aid.

68 / 100

96. One of these is not part of the steps of stock control models

69 / 100

53….. is the precaution for fire safety

70 / 100

49. Get ….for reducing the risk of falls

71 / 100

30 work environment is also a factor

72 / 100

60. Inspection in the warehouse is out of the safety precaution

73 / 100

89.The following are types of stocks except

74 / 100

44. In a workplace,falls figure are among the most common reasons for fatal injuries

75 / 100

31. To prevent accident to happen again

76 / 100

77. In quality control, a shabbily done inspection will never reflect high quality.

77 / 100

66. Calssification of inspection include……

78 / 100

36. One of the safety issues in ware housing is….

79 / 100

56.Bondage,eyewash,Burns ttreatment,proper house keeping are all part of health and safety arrangement.

80 / 100

33.When designing a house, its layout should ensure that people and vehicles are practically separated

81 / 100

86.We need inventory but its not desirable to get it

82 / 100

23 Issues related to health and safety are not really important reasons of occupational hazard that can happen at warehouse premises.

83 / 100

82.There are ----------- categories of stocks

84 / 100

69 Types of inspection are…….

85 / 100

5.Ware housing play a vital role in…….

86 / 100

21.Concept of product mixing is part of warehouse management

87 / 100

68.percentage foe final random inspection is

88 / 100

14 Name the benefits of warehousing

89 / 100

47. Precautions should not be observed

90 / 100

8.Order picking is one of the set of activities common to most ware house

91 / 100

4 In economic order quantity, these three groups can be taken into account and studied in return except…...

92 / 100

58. There should be … for all warehouse employees

93 / 100

53. Recording observation is an important thing

94 / 100

27.The first step in managing health and safety in warehouse is….

95 / 100

71.Impact of inspection are…..

96 / 100

25. Without effective health and safety management,organization can look at those risks and implement practical solutions.

97 / 100

18. The various types of M.H.T are categorized as follows:

98 / 100

29. some of the environment to recognize to avoid hazzard include: plant,tools,equipments

99 / 100

94.S.C means

100 / 100

41. The workplace needs….

Your score is