The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Supply Chain Nigeria

Participants Will Learn

How do you know which e-procurement tools and systems are best for your organization? This 1-day workshop & training course provides an introduction to e-procurement, current trends, options, and tools currently available in the marketplace, and will explore technology resources and methods of selection of technology suppliers and vendors. A step-by-step process for online sourcing and negotiation and a discussion on the use of third party facilitators and enablers will also be included.

Who should attend?
Managers of purchasing, materials, and supply chain management who are responsible for the overall performance of their organization.
Purchasing, materials, and supply chain management professionals who are currently responsible for eprocurement system selection and/or implementation or may be in the future.
Purchasing and supply management professionals who want to increase their knowledge about using eprocurement tools and systems for spend management, strategic sourcing, supplier evaluation, and supplier relationship management.
Information systems analysts who may be involved in the selection or implementation of eprocurement systems.

Program Outline


  1. What is E-Commerce and E-Procurement (and other relevant terms)?

(1). What is ECommerce?  

  1. sharing business information,
  2. maintaining business relationships,
  3. conducting business transactions,
  4. by means of telecommunications networks.

(2)   What is EProcurement?

  1. purchase of goods or services using electronic media,
  2. with an ultimate goal of “paperless purchasing”,
  3. thus eliminating paperwork for all important documents used in purchasing, including the statement of work, requisition, solicitation, purchase order, delivery/task order, invoice, and payment documents.

(3)   Other Relevant Terms From Specialized Glossary of Terms

  1. Where did e-Procurement come from?
    1. Business to business use of EDI
    2. The continued decrease in the costs of computer hardware and software
    3. The disappearance of the regulations prohibiting commercial activities on the net
    4. The rapid growth of the web (the third wave)
    5. The rise of the profitable ISP
    6. What is happening now?
    7. What e-Procurement technology tools are available?  (What’s “Hot” and what’s “Not”)
    8. How are purchasing, materials, and supply chain managers using these technology tools currently?
    9. Where is e-Procurement going?
    10. A summative case highlighting the main points of this first Segment’s lectures.

Integrating e-Procurement into Strategic Sourcing

  1. Business Process Redesign

(1)   Flow-charting and business process reengineering
(2)   Benchmarking
(3)   Total Quality Management, including ISO 9000
(4)   Focus on the Aberdeen Group Research on “CFO’s View of Procurement
(5)   Illustrate Specific Impact of Procurement on Key Financial Metrics
(6)   Establish Standard Savings Guidelines and Reporting Methodology
(7)   Integrate Procurement Objectives Clearly In Business Plans
(8)   Ensure Cash Flow, Working Capital Are Addressed Strategically
(9)   Position Financials and Systems to Support Procurement
(10)   Leverage Technology to Reduce Reporting Effort, Improve Visibility

  1. Developing and Implementing a Strategic Sourcing System

(1)   Focus on strategic partnerships
(2)   Focus on long-term contracts in lieu of purchase orders
(3)   Focus on integration of supply chain organizations on both ends of the value chain
(4)   Focus on strategic suppliers which have e-Procurement experience or capability

  1. Incorporating Strategic Contracts into Business Processes
  2. Normalizing Data and Information
  3. Select e-Procurement Tools and Implement e-Procurement Decisions
  4.  RFP
  • Use of Team Approach
  • Technical Requirements
  • Proposal submittal Requirements
  1. Evaluating proposals
  • Use of Total Cost of Ownership
  • Use of Net Present Value Techniques
  1. Pitfalls to avoid in selection
  2. Writing the contract
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Technical Requirements
  1. Implementing/administering the contract
  2. Integration of all organizations along with supply/value chain
  3. Integrating e-Procurement System into Business Processes A summative case highlighting the main points of this second Segment’s lectures.

Using Catalogs, Agents, Auctions, Exchanges, Hubs, and Spokes

  1. Making e-catalogs work: search engines, content creation and management, supplier integration, features/functions
  • Types of Catalogs
  • How to Use Catalogs
  1. Agents
  • Types of Agents
  • How to Use Agents
  1. Auctions
  • Types of Auctions
  • How to Use Auctions
  • Focus on Reverse Auctions
  1. Using Exchanges, Hubs, and Spokes
  2. A summative case highlighting the main points of this third Segment’s lectures

EProcurement for Services, ERP Systems, Evaluating EProcurement Providers and Systems, and EPayments

  1. Using Eprocurement for Services
  • Domestic
  • Global
  • Professional and Other Services
  1. Advantages and Disadvantages of ERP and Eprocurement Systems
  • Ariba
  • SAP
  • Oracle
  1. Evaluating EProcurement Providers
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Methods of Evaluation
  1. Making e-Payments
  • Credit Cards
  • Wire Transfers
  • Debit cards
  • Other

Your trusted partner for quality training and recognized certification

As a leading training provider, we provide certification for a broad spectrum of skill sets needed to succeed in international business. Our global network of expert instructors presents well-rounded, diverse curriculums for professionals working in large environments spanning the world. Courses are offered in online, open classrooms as well as tailored, in-house trainings.

Duration: 1 Day Training Course
Day/Time: Saturday only Moring 10am – 12noon and Afternoon 2pm – 4pm
Award: Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Chain Management Course
Cost Per Training: $150 USD/N50,000